Sunday, July 11, 2010

Look At Me!!!.... Look At Me!!! and if at all possible..... don't look at what i've done,.. and what i've omitted saying!!!!!

Don't Compare What I say,.... To what I'm Doing,..... Or,...
                           to what I've Omitted Saying
it is to my understanding,  that the oil spill,.... of the Original "Exxon Valdez",.. has not been completely cleaned up,...... in Alaska,... some twenty years later....... Will Somebody Pinch Me????........ Not completely Cleaned up,.... some TWENTY YEARS LATER.
and yet,   latest estimates say that the BP oil spill,... is leaking at least 2 to 3 "Exxon Valdez" volumns of oil,....
Per Day!!!
and if youi listen to the BP company,.... and Our Government's news updates,... we'll soon have this
little  Gulf Oil Spill,.... in hand,...... and cleaned up,..... in at most 2 or 3 years.
and we'll have some of the rest of that Gulf Oil,.... in YOUR gas tank,...... as soon as it's economically
But old BP,.... is going to Pay,.... for it,..... however much it takes,... You Mark My Words,..
to get it Done.
And then,..... we're going to go back,...... To Business As Usual,.... You Mark My Wiords!!!!!
and we will no longer,... going to be at the mercy of Saudi Arabia,... and their Ilk,..... any  More.
But,.... i've heard it said,...... that each new Administration,..... in the White House,.... gets more
ADDICTED to Crude Oil,.... as a fuel source, and energy source,.....than the Administration, leaving Office, .... that just preceded them.
Let's Change Hats,..... for a moment,............................
Have you,.... ever watched,....  "Miracle on 34th Street",.....  where there's an attempt to prove that,......
Santa Clause,... is real????
with that,... in mind,....... excuse my French,..... however,.... i will now try to update,... the prosecutors'
Sons' ,.... questions,.... to his Dad,... the prosecutor,... who was trying,.. desperately,..... to prove that
Santa Clause,... is Not Real.
where,..... the prosecutor is our newly elected administration,... in the White House.
And,... where,... we,... the citizens of the United States,... are represented by that Young Gullible boy,.....
who dotes on every word,... that our Father,... the prosecutor tells him.............
well here goes,...... i hope i pull it off just right.
Little Boy:: "You wouldn't Lie to me,..... now would you,.... Dad?"
Little Boy:: "You wouldn't be even More Addicted to Oil,... than that old,.... Bush administration,...
now would you,.... Dad?"
Little Boy:: "I know,... they say,... it's an Addiction,... Pop,.... But it isn't any thing like.....
Crack / Cocain,  Addiction,......................... Is it,........ Dad?"
Little Boy:: "Those were just,.... some of those old,..... "Expert Pundts",.... Mouthing Off.....
who conveniently made themselves scarce,.... for at least a,..... Whole Month,....
after the 9/11 twin towers,  incident.......... weren't they,....... Pop?"
Little Boy:: "You're my Paw,... Pop!!...... YOU wouldn't become Addicted to any thing,.....
Like,.....  Crack / Cocain....... would you,.... Dad?"
Little Boy:: "You're my Father,... Pop.   I look UP to you,... as an example,.... of how to be,...
as an American Citizen....... YOU wouldn't go,... and get yourself,..... Addicted,.. to something,....
Especially,.... something,..... as habit forming,... as Dirty,... Old,.. Crack / Cocain,......
Now,.... Would you,..... Dad?"
Little Boy:: "I know,... it's not Really Crack / Cocain,......... but Crude Oil Addiction,..... That those,...
Silly,... Old,...  Expert Pundts,... were using,..... as an anology,....... Father."
Little Boy:: "But,.... Dad,........ I'm too,.... Young,... for all this,.... anologies,.... and Addictions,.....
and stuff.......... From My,... little vantage point,... they Both LOOK the,...... Same!!!"
Little Boy:: "I'm sorry,... Dad,...... for mentioning this,.... to you.....
I KNOW,...... You,... and your Administration,.... would Never get Addicted, Anything!!!!
Much less,...... Crack / Cocain,.......... or Crude Oil,.... or,.... Anything Else!!!!!"
Little Boy::  "I KNOW,.... because,.... once,.... every four years,...... the Adult citizens,..... of
our Great Nation,..... always elect,.... the wisest,.... most compassionate,.... and caring,.......
Men and Women,..... into the Executive Branch and Administration,......  of these United States."
Little Boy:: "And,.... once the election is over,..... it doesn't matter which group,
of Men and Women,.... are placed,.... there,..... in Washington DC,..... because,..... once they 
are in Office,... everybody puts their differences Aside,...... and supports those who have been elected,....
as the Current Mothers and Fathers,.... of our Great Nation,....... one hundred Percent!!!!!""
Little Boy:: "Isn't that,..... Right,............... Dad????"
Little Boy:: "YOU'D tell me,...... if it weren't SO,....... now,..... Wouldn't you,......Pop???/"
Little Boy:: "By the way,..... Pop,......One of THOSE,... Puny Expert Pundts, actually said that,....
using their phrasiology,   our Administrations got tired of,..... Saudi Arabia's raising the Price of.... what we have to pay,....up front,....for our Crack / Cocain,  Crude Oil,... habit,...... and so,..... according to THAT
Pundt,......  our present Administration,.... said,.... that's ENOUGH!! and decided to try,... and grow....
our own Crack / Cocain,   Crude Oil,...... right here,... at our home,.... off our own,...
beautiful Virgin Coasts.,..... so that we would no longer,..... have to be at the mercy of somebody else,..
to get our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly,..... FIX,.... of  Crack / Cocain,  Crude Oil.,.......... as a fuel,..
and as our main, source."
Little Boy:: "Now,... Pop,.... I was told to ask you,..... to look me straight in the eye,..... as i say,.....
"Fathers and Mothers,......of our great nation,..... who have just been elected to office,....................
TELL ME,... IT ISN'T,... SO............."""""

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